Right to Work States have better job growth

Right to Work States, of which North Carolina is one, have had better job growth over the last decade. In fact, quadruple the job growth of Forced Unionism States. 

Right to Work laws prevent workers from being forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment. A worker can join a union if they desire, but they can’t be fired for non payment of dues to a union they don’t want to join.

Interestingly, public pensions in Right to Work States are better funded than other states. That means lower tax liability on residents.

Unfunded Liabilities Per Capita of
Public Pension Plans
(FY 2018)
Right to Work States $11,395
Forced-Unionism States $19,028


View a compilation of the Right to Work statistics here: https://nilrr.org/spring-2021-right-to-work-benefits/

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