Do you know that there are over 50 Boards and Commissions in Durham County?

I'm beginning my journey into the world that is our Durham County Government. Reading up on the Durham news, I saw that a board member was recently let go, and I wanted to know a little more about this board. An excellent place to start in this day and age would be a Web search. My search led me to the Durham County Website for the Board of Commissioners


From there, I discovered that there are over fifty Boards and Commissions! I had no idea there were so many. There are boards for Health, Crime, Tourism, and Transporation, to name a few. 


The Board and Commissions Website also has minutes for all the meetings. From the minutes, you can read exactly what these groups have been doing and plan to do. You can find interesting information in these minutes. For example, did you know the Alcohol and Beverage Control has a "Bourbon Lottery" for rare items?


There is a lot of information to go through, and reading these minutes will be enlightening. I'll post as I learn more.

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