'You ain't black"

Prominent Black leaders have been vocalizing dissatisfaction for some time with the Democratic party which has failed the Black community and taken the Black voter utterly for granted for almost sixty years.  One need look no further than former VP Joe Biden’s own comment that “you ain’t Black” if you didn’t support him which typifies the Democratic leadership’s ignorance of and disregard for the diversity within the Black community.  

Now, a defining moment has inevitably arrived for the Black community as BET founder Robert Johnson, fed up with the Democrats’ chronic lip service and ‘pat on the head’ mentality, has publicly challenged the Black community to abandon the Democratic party and for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to form a third party.  

The Democrats long ago dropped the mantle of social progress started by FDR and continued by LBJ.  Today, there is a death match raging between moderate Democrats and ultra-liberal Social Democrats (Socialists) for the soul of the party.  But is a BLM party the best answer for the Black community?  Hank Newsom, the Greater NY BLM president, recently threatened extreme violence if the movement’s goals are not met.  Where does this leave the moderate Black voters who are tired of Democratic party patronizing but who reject the anarchy offered by a now radicalized BLM?  Their alternative is the Republican party which in the past three years has achieved historic milestones in measures of quality of life for all minorities.

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