30-30-30 Gun Raffle Winners

Raffle Winners


October 1 - Graham Partington - 557

October 2 - Graham Partington - 960

October 3 - Daylon Hayes - 120

October 4 - Sharon Taylor - 200

October 5 - Christina Crosby - 583

October 6 - Ken Layton - 201

October 7 - Sharon Taylor - 555

October 8 - Don Daniel - 790

October 9 - James Tocorzic - 141

October 10 - Daylon Hayes - 718

October 11 - Norman Adcock - 179

October 12 - Keith Hines - 739

October 13 - Ray Corona - 532

October 14 - Michael Lewis - 483

October 15 - Nicole Poniros - 448

October 16 - Michael Herndon - 283

October 17 - Mark Brueckner - 953

October 18 - Brad Crabtree - 017

October 19 - Jeff Cabel - 493

October 20 - Mike Whitt - 133

October 21 - Wayne Byrd - 956

October 22 - Donna Emory - 047

October 23 - Brenda Felder - 212

October 24 - John Infinger - 364

October 25 - Tony Harris - 606

October 26 - Mary Goodwin - 087

October 27 - Pamela Andrews - 817 

October 28 - Donna Emory - 985

October 29 - Kim Walsh - 805

October 30 - Ray Corona - 532

Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to all of the winners!

2024 Durham GOP 30-For-30 Raffle

The Durham GOP is hosting the Fall raffle to raise funds for the local Party. We use NC Pick3 DAYTIME numbers to choose the winner.

Drawing is determined the winning number of a prize each day.

1000 tickets - numbered 000 through 999 - are to be sold between now and September 30, 2024, and the cost is $30 per ticket, or the discounted price of 4 tickets for $100. There will be no duplicate ticket numbers sold. Raffle tickets will be assigned sequentially, unless otherwise requested.  Each ticket # is eligible to win each day, all 30 days of the month.  Drawings will be October 1st - 30th.  A total of 30 chances to win per ticket purchased.